Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ąžuoliukas 50! Magnificat!!!

Ąžuoliukas 50! Magnificat!!!

Sveikinimai "Ąžuoliuko" choristams,
choro vadovams ir mokytojams
su garbingu 50 Metų Jubiliejumi!

Composition "SM Pier 100 - Ąžuoliukas 50"

Founded in 1959 Lithuanian boys choir "Ąžuoliukas" (Vilnius) performed and continuously performs significant role in Lithuanian education and music development. Maestro Vytautas Miškinis is artistic director of "Ąžuoliukas" today. He and distinguished vocal professionals guide the choir through tremendous workload of repertoire building and sustaining. Boys, teens and young men have exceptional time during rehearsals not only to advance musically but also to build frienships, to learn challenges and values of social networking and their time planning.


Few samples are provided here to get familiar with the choir:


Ažuoliukas Boys Choir (lithuanian) - Ubi caritas et amor
Vytautas Miškinis. "Oi šąla, pašalnojo"
V. Miškinis - Ave Regina coelorum

gatves muzika

Ąžuoliukas in France

Performances from the 50th Anniversary Concert:

Čiūto (J.Tallat-Kelpša)
Valio dalgelis (E. Balsys)
Išjojo jojo (R.Žigaitis)
Oi šąla šąla (V.Miškinis)
Ave Regina coelorum (V.Miškinis)
Notturno (Athanasius Fet)

For more details check my dedicated page Ąžuoliukas 50! Magnificat!!!.

